30 Days To Happiness Podcast

Easy Steps To Building The Life Of Your Dreams With Tony Van De Kerkhof

Holly Smith Season 2 Episode 71

Welcome back to another epic episode of the 30 Days To Happiness Podcast!

Today we speak with my friend Tony. Tony has lived in China (and learned Mandarin while he was there), travelled the world, raised 2 boys, worked in corporate, started 4
businesses and is living the life of his dreams, all by 35. It didn't
happen overnight, rather it was a series of events, and how he chose
to respond to them, that directed him on this path. Tony has made it
his life mission to educate people so when their moment comes and
the choice is upon them, they make the right one, launching
themselves closer to their own best future.

Today We Discussed:
-Imposter syndrom
-The 'Balcony theory'
-Gain super clarity on our next steps
-What we should invest our money into for the best return
-How to budget the right way
-Tonys new book!
-And lots more

Get your note pad and pen ready and listen to this super motivating and inspiring episode!

Follow Tony Here

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