30 Days To Happiness Podcast

How To Build A Routine Which Is Aligned With Your Dream Life

Holly Smith Season 2 Episode 65

In 2020 I asked myself ‘If there was nothing holding me back, what would my dream day look like?’

This changed everything for me. 

From taking meetings at 4:30am in the morning till 9pm at night and on the verge of burnout..

To then setting really clear boundaries for myself and live the life and routine of my dreams. 

Here’s what we cover in today’s episode:

  1. Clarity -Get clear on what you want and your vision for your life & Business 
  2. Boundaries - What boundaries are you setting?
  3. Values - Does your routine display your values?
  4. Is it sustainable? Consistency rating?

What does your dream day look like? 

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