30 Days To Happiness Podcast

How To Work From Home With Kids.....And Still Be Productive

Holly Smith Season 2 Episode 66

Since becoming a mum, I have become 2 x more productive and efficient with my work. 

I still get to the gym most days.

Track my macros.

Run my business. 

Write books and content 

And record my podcasts. 

All whilst keep the house clean.

Incorporating self care 

And a social life 

But I know myself there are so many distractions when working from home.

My 10 month old is at a stage where she is getting into everything.

Wanting constant attention and say’s muma all day long..very cute.

Oh yeah she also likes to make high pitch singing noises 

So I get it. 

But there are different things you can do in different seasons. 

And it's important to be present with them as much as possible. 

Here’s what’s working for me right now. [These are game changer]

1. 5am Me time 

My daughter wakes up at 6am every morning 

So I know If I don’t wake up consistently at 5am 

And get work on an important task or even just some personal development 

My days feel behind and rushed. 

2. I plan my days the night before 

I talk about this a lot but when it comes to scheduling what you need to get done for the day…

It can be super reactive for some. 

This is what works for me:

I have 3 most important tasks each day

Anymore then that it can get overwhelming 

I time block them for 

5am before bub wakes up 

9am Bubs first nap 

1pm Bubs 2nd nap 

That is at least 3 hours of productive work I can get done 

Without getting distracted 

I then write clear to-do lists for each task so I don't waste time. 

3. Smaller time blocks & focus = Productivity 

Setting smaller time blocks to complete a task is like a game. 

It also teaches you to get focused, in the zone and get tasks done

In a shorter time frame. 

This expands your ability to switch on your focus mode.

It gets easier each time you practise. 

I also suggest to create a productive tigger 

Something you do to tell you brain it's time to get in the flo. 

This is just a slice of what I talk about in this episode! 

P.S. Get access to out Happiness Formula for free and join a community pf like minded individuals on a journey to creating healthier, happier habits :) 

Join Here - https://www.skool.com/the-happiness-formula/about

Make sure to subscribe and share with a friend :) 

Stay Happy,
